It happens all the time—you tell someone you’re an architect, and they immediately jump to conclusions about what your life must be like. Maybe they assume you’re raking in cash, or that you spend … [Read more...]
Ep 160: Determining Value
When I say the word “value”, the meaning that typically comes to mind is generated by that persons position or context. Andrew and I were having a chat about how employees think of value versus how … [Read more...]
Ep 159: Ask the Show Fall 2024
It is time for the second and last installment of the Life of an Architect “Ask the Show” episode for 2024. Once again, as is our practice we solicited questions to be submitted through our Instagram … [Read more...]
Ep 155: Optimism
Architecture is not typically considered a profession that makes much room for passengers or for people that simply want to show up and punch a clock. The vast majority of practicing architects view … [Read more...]
Ep 154: Networking
Today we are tackling a topic that we have never covered before, not even a little. Imagine walking into a crowded room and not knowing who to talk to or what to say, a situation I have found myself … [Read more...]
Ep 153: Inspiration
Whether your interests or skills lend themselves to design or technology, I think it is safe to say that creativity plays a role in the day-to-day experience of an architect. Sometimes you aren’t … [Read more...]