Around this time every year that a new crop of potential future architects are about to start their first year of architecture school, and they have questions. What equipment do I need? Drawing … [Read more...]
Ep 105: Interior Architecture
Architecture is a field with a wide variety of possible pathways and careers. Today we will focus our attention on the closely related field of Interior Architecture. What exactly is Interior … [Read more...]
Ep 104: Conventions – The Best and Worst of Times
Depending on your age, sooner or later you will end up at one convention or another. For some people, this is a yearly migration full of can’t-miss opportunities. For others, it’s three days of … [Read more...]
Ep 103: Architects and the Art of Being Happy
Take a look around and you are likely to see what I see. Read the emails I receive and you're likely to start believing it as well. People, which includes Architects, seem to be fairly unhappy at the … [Read more...]
Ep 102: Business Development
If you are thinking about the dream that a lot of architects have – which is going out on your own and starting your own office – or maybe you’ve grown in your current position where you have new … [Read more...]
Ep 101: Design Process
If you were tasked with defining the design process – you could take it in a lot of different directions and you're going to have a lot of options. Andrew and I are going to attempt to tackle this … [Read more...]