Architecture is not typically considered a profession that makes much room for passengers or for people that simply want to show up and punch a clock. The vast majority of practicing architects view … [Read more...]
Ep 153: Inspiration
Whether your interests or skills lend themselves to design or technology, I think it is safe to say that creativity plays a role in the day-to-day experience of an architect. Sometimes you aren’t … [Read more...]
Ep 149: Moonlighting
This will be the 5th time in 5,209 days that I have put my opinions about taking on extra work outside of your normal job and typically during ridiculous hours of the day and night. This practice has … [Read more...]
AIA24 Conference on Architecture & Design
It's just about time for my yearly pilgrimage to AIA24, Conference on Architecture & Design - I've lost count of how many of these I've attended, and for the best of reasons. Taking place in … [Read more...]
Ep 146: Ask the Show Spring 2024
We get asked a lot of good questions here on the show – they come up in the comment section, they are sent into our email inboxes, and some slide into our DM’s. Sometimes we reach out and ask people … [Read more...]
Ep 145: Delegated Design
In the architecture and construction industry, delegated design refers to the process where certain design responsibilities are transferred from architects to contractors during the construction … [Read more...]