If you are a regular around Life of an Architect (and why wouldn't you be) you are undoubtedly familiar with my involvement with the charitable organization Dallas CASA and their Parade of Playhouses … [Read more...]
The War House
2012 Life of an Architect Playhouse Design – the ‘Dugout’
So here it is the 2012 Life of an Architect Playhouse Design [cue fanfare] The 'Dugout' . In case you didn't get it from the "dugout" name, this years playhouse is themed after a major … [Read more...]
Life of an Architect 2012 Design Playhouse Competition – The Winners
The first annual Life of an Architect Playhouse Design Competition has some to a close - at least for everyone except for the lucky winners! This last Friday - May 4th - we took the top 20 … [Read more...]
Life of an Architect Playhouse Competition 2012 – Round One
[Fanfare - dun dundun dunnnn!] I am proud to announce that the first annual Life of an Architect 'Playhouse Design Competition' was an amazing and certifiable success!! The playhouse design … [Read more...]
Japanese Playhouse in New Zealand
The other day I received an email that made a ho-hum day into a really good one. The email I received was from Mark Staiger, a person I have never met before. Mark lives in New Zealand and saw the … [Read more...]
Playhouse Competition 2012
The entries for the first annual Life of an Architect Playhouse Design Competition are due in 29 Days (April 16th, 2012)!!! Who can enter? This competition will be open to anyone from anywhere – … [Read more...]