Welcome to Architectural Graphics 101: Finish Schedules ... a topic that I have been thinking about for probably over 5 years. I'm not entirely sure why it's taken me this long to discuss this particular topic but it probably has something to do with … [Continue reading]
Studio Lessons 101: Architectural Precedents
One of the many activities undertaken in architecture school is the study of Architectural Precedents. While I am may not be convinced of the outcomes, I do believe in their value. This happens at some of the earliest stages of architecture … [Continue reading]
Ep 066: Architects and Sketching
There is a nostalgia associated with architects and sketching but is it still an integral part of the design process anymore? What types of architects sketch? Are there still benefits at all to this potentially outdated mode of communicating? Sharpen … [Continue reading]
2021 and I am Full of Bad Ideas
It's barely 2021 and I am full of bad ideas. It's a new year and this is the time that people generally sit around and evaluate their life and come up with some sort of plan to ensure that objectives and goals have a better shot at being met. Not me … [Continue reading]
My Favorite Architecture Books – 2020
It's Sunday, December 27, 2020, and I am thinking about my favorite architecture books. Is that weird? Of course it isn't because I like architecture books and now that I am flush with gift cards from this holiday season, it is time to go book … [Continue reading]
Ep 065: The Hypothetical Show
Since this is the final episode of the year AND the 2020 Life of an Architect podcast season, there is no better way to end the year than to dedicate an entire episode to hypothetical questions ... so welcome to the Hypothetical Show! The end of the … [Continue reading]