In 2019, Germany will be celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Bauhaus together with partners all over the world. Founded in Weimar in 1919, relocated to Dessau in 1925 and closed in Berlin under pressure from the National Socialists in … [Continue reading]
Architectural T-Shirts
There are currently 58 "draft" articles on my site - some are fairly recent and some go back years. There are any number of reasons why I hadn't finish writing a particular post: Lost interest in the topic I found it boring so assumed … [Continue reading]
010: What Makes You a Designer
There are many things I do during a typical day – designing “stuff” is just one very small portion – but I still consider myself a designer more so than a project architect. Since I work at a smallish firm, everyone wears many hats and nobody has … [Continue reading]
Just Draw it Up
There is a request that I receive a few times a week that I thought I would finally talk about in an effort to shed some light on a fairly taboo subject. Those requests typically start off something like this: "I have already designed my house but … [Continue reading]
009: The “Low Cost Modern House”
Modern Design used to be about the mechanization of the process thereby making a thing affordable to the masses ... but that doesn't really seem to be the case anymore. With their clarity often confused with simplicity, modern houses require a far … [Continue reading]
008: Top Ten Reasons to be an Architect
If there is one moment I can look back and single out the moment when everything changed, it was February 22, 2010. That was the day I decided to write the post "Top Ten Reasons to be an Architect" and nothing has been the same for me ever … [Continue reading]