This has been an interesting few weeks for me - very busy and very stressful, two things that I could do with less of in my life. Whenever the stress level goes up in my life, the time I spend in the shower seems to increase proportionately. I tend … [Continue reading]
Architectural Graphics 101 – Reflected Ceiling Plans
Maybe this will be exciting, maybe it won't, but I am going to start writing a few articles a month on architectural graphics and what I've done to get my drawings to look the way they do. I might talk hardcore technical computer specifics from time … [Continue reading]
How do you eat a Whale?
2017 has started and I am already trying to decide what it is I am supposed to be doing. Not in "Why I am I Here?" existential way, but more in the "I need to change out the filters at the blower unit up in the attic" sort of way. While most … [Continue reading]
What did you miss in 2016? The Best from Life of an Architect
The end of the year is almost upon us and it is time to reflect back on last year - that a look at what worked, and what didn't. Did you know I wrote 48 articles for this site last year? In the seven years that I have been writing articles here … [Continue reading]
Exhibit: Architecture in Palestine during the British Mandate (1917-1948)
While I was in Israel this summer, I was fortunate enough to get a sneak peek into an architectural exhibit that was about to open at the Israel Museum that focused on the architecture of Palestine, before the state of Israel became a state. During … [Continue reading]
Not Your Typical Modern Wood Deck
I don't think it's bragging when I tell people I've done my fair share of awesome decks in my career, and today I thought I would show you one of the most recently completed awesome decks. THis is definitely not your typical modern wood deck One … [Continue reading]