Architects don't have hobbies, at least most of the ones I know don't have one. I haven't spent the time to do any real research, just basing this on what I know and from personal experience. So … [Read more...]
I drank the Kool-Aid (and more)
As I write this, it is Sunday afternoon and I am sitting on the couch with cold pills and kleenexes on one side, my dog Ritzy on the other, and my new MacBook Pro sitting on my lap. That's right, I … [Read more...]
Japanese Playhouse in New Zealand
The other day I received an email that made a ho-hum day into a really good one. The email I received was from Mark Staiger, a person I have never met before. Mark lives in New Zealand and saw the … [Read more...]
Homemade Easter Float
Easter is just around the corner and in my house that means lots of Cadbury chocolate eggs, the smell of vinegar mixed with the sound of Easter Egg dye pellets fizzing, but most importantly, it’s time … [Read more...]
Someone wants to buy my house
Believe it or not, but my wife and I are living in the 5th house we have bought together ... and I have loved them all. Looking back on all the houses we have owned, there wasn't a single one that I … [Read more...]
Shopping for Rocks
Sounds kind of stupid right...Shopping for Rocks? Let me wife and I decided that it was time to add a stone patio over the giant dust bowl that has become the area right outside the … [Read more...]