So here we are ... Episode 150, and I am a little surprised that I made it this far into this Life of an Architect experiment, but due to the support and interest we have received over the last 6 … [Read more...]
Ep 139: Holiday Gift Guide for Architects
It’s almost that gift-giving time of the year and if you have an architect in your life, you know that getting them a gift is potentially the most agonizing experience possible - but that’s why we’re … [Read more...]
Ep 138: Is Architecture School Broken pt. 2
Are students graduating from architecture school prepared for the profession? Is the educational system aligned with the workplace? What is the best software to teach students? Can we all just get … [Read more...]
EP 123: Interviews Just Aren’t that Hard
You’re about to graduate from architecture school, or maybe you already have a job, and you’re just simply looking for a change. Going through the interviews in an architecture firm is just part of a … [Read more...]
Ep 122: Architecture and Artificial Intelligence
Even though artificial intelligence can conceptually trace its roots back to the 1950s, the reality is AI and Machine learning went mainstream not too long ago and as recently as November of 2022, … [Read more...]
IBS/KBIS 2023 Show Recap
Well, it has been a minute since we traveled to Las Vegas for the International Builders Show and Kitchen Bath Industry Show, otherwise known as IBS/KBIS. Bob and I made this trip in the first part of … [Read more...]