In order to call yourself an architect (or even state that you provide architectural services) you have to pass the architectural registration exam - the ARE. It is a grueling 7-part test that if you … [Read more...]
Architectural Interns
Architectural Interns ~huuh ~ yeah What are they good for? Absolutely nothing~ awwwhuh-uhhuhh [if you don't know the Edwin Starr version of the song 'War' you need to go here after reading this … [Read more...]
What’s an architects day like?
So what exactly does an architect do all day? Chances are the answer is "a lot" and depending on the market sector in which they focus, probably something somewhat similar and somewhat unique compared … [Read more...]
Top 10 Things you’ll never hear an Architect say … in Turkish?
There is a lot of foolishness that goes on here at Life of an Architect, let's face it - I'm not talking about anything really important and while I take what I do pretty seriously, I always try and … [Read more...]
The not-so-sexy side to Architecture
There is a reality check waiting for most graduating architects ... Practicing architecture for 99.9% of the architects out there means something other than designing - at least what you think design … [Read more...]
Say what you mean, mean what you say
The message today is about taking a deeper and sometimes a second or third look at what appears to be an everyday common object, occurrence, or in my example, a phrase. All of a sudden, something you … [Read more...]