If I asked you to tell me your favorite 3 words, do you know what they would be, or would this be a "I'll get back you you" situation? I certainly don't have three favorite words - who does? The irony … [Read more...]
Putting in the Work
It's been an interesting couple of weeks - at least I think interesting is the right word for it. Not good, not bad ... a bit exhausting to be honest. But that's life, right? Work, work, work, seems … [Read more...]
The Crummy Pillow Paradigm
Every morning when I wake up, I make the bed. I don't really have that many household morning chores other than letting the dog out and feeding all the pets so a few years ago I took it upon myself to … [Read more...]
Once again I find myself siting on the couch on a Sunday afternoon and I'm working - this pattern has been going on for such a long time now I'm pretty used to it. You might be thinking that by … [Read more...]
An Interview with Vasi Ypsilantis – Part Two
Vasi Ypsilantis is an internationally renown kitchen designer who I was able to talk at length about her award-winning creative process, her distinguished career, and how her participation in the … [Read more...]
An Interview with Vasi Ypsilantis – Part One
Recently, I was able to talk at length with renown kitchen designer Vasi Ypsilantis about the creative process, her distinguished career, and how her participation in the Kitchen Design Contest - both … [Read more...]