I was asked to be the Master of Ceremonies for the AIA Austin Design Awards ceremony, an event that took place last Thursday evening (May 1st). I immediately agreed when asked because it's a big deal … [Read more...]
Motivation – and why it’s important
It's Sunday morning, it's raining outside, I'm really tired, and the consensus around the house is to lay about, read books and watch television. But not me ... I have things that "have" to be done … [Read more...]
To Delete or Not To Delete …
There are times when I am a glass is half-full sort of person and there are times when I am a glass-half-full-needs-to-be-poured-over-your-head type person. I generally don't like to complain unless I … [Read more...]
Mission Statements
I'm going to come right out and go on record by saying that I think Mission Statements are silly - particularly if you make them public and part of your marketing strategy. This flies in the face of … [Read more...]
Architecture and The Art of Getting it Wrong
Architecture is not a trade, it's a craft ... and it normally takes years of practice before you start to routinely exist in the delicate balance between programming requirements and artistic … [Read more...]
Reading between the Lines
There is a life lesson that everyone should learn at some point - and I truly believe your personal success is directly tied to your ability to learn this lesson as early as possible in your career. … [Read more...]