Even though they might seem like the same thing, "Help" and "Service" are not the same thing. It is not at all uncommon for me to be doing one thing when, without provocation, my mind decides to do … [Read more...]
Unpaid Architecture Internship Positions
Since it is getting time for college career fairs and planning for the summer, at least in the academic and graduation sense, I wanted to touch on the subject of Unpaid Internship Positions. Also in … [Read more...]
Ep 069: Better Faster Cheaper
We have all heard the phrase “Better, Faster, Cheaper, you can have any 2” but is that actually true? … Yes, of course, that’s true, but we are going to talk about it anyways because this is really a … [Read more...]
Architecture Lectures and Presentations
One of my new tasks this semester in my academic position is to be a member of the departmental committee for lectures and exhibitions. This committee is tasked with creating the annual lecture and … [Read more...]
058: Talking Shop with Building Science Fight Club
Understanding the physical behavior of the building as a system and how it impacts the energy efficiency, durability, comfort and indoor air quality is pivotal in the creation of high-performance … [Read more...]
056: Starting A Design Firm
If you’ve ever dreamed of starting your own design firm, maybe you’ve just graduated from school, perhaps you’ve worked for another firm and seen first-hand what not to do and decided it’s time to go … [Read more...]