What music do you listen to? What’s your design process? What is your favorite building and why? What do you eat for breakfast? All this and more today as Andrew and I answer your burning questions … [Read more...]
035: Architecture and Math
If you ever thought about being an architect but thought you couldn’t handle the math, you aren’t alone. At parties across the land, as soon as someone finds out there is an architect in the crowd, … [Read more...]
033: Taking the Architectural Registration Exam
Since Andrew and I completed our architectural registration exams in a previous decade than the one we are currently in, we brought in someone a bit younger to assist us with today’s topic, someone … [Read more...]
032: Projects in Architecture School are Silly
The projects that architects-in-training work on while in school are rarely about solving practical problems and issues – the real objectives are almost always lurking just below the surface. Your … [Read more...]
030: Starting Your Own Architecture Firm
Is it the dream of every architect to have their own firm one day? I can recall hours and hours of conversations that I've had with other architects throughout my career where this topic was front and … [Read more...]
As-Built Drawing Adventure
If you are an architect, it's a pretty safe bet that at some point in your career you've had to go on site and collect some existing dimensions for a project. My career is now almost 30 years in the … [Read more...]